High Nature Value farming

Предоставяне на експертна помощ за изготвяне на анализи и изследвания

High Natural Value Farming (HNVF) – it covers regions in Europe where agricultural activities support and are associated with rich natural diversity.  High Natural Value farming systems play important economic, social and cultural roles in Europe’s rural areas with their contribution to cultural heritage, quality local products and employment providing.

STEP is a member of the European Forum for Nature Conservation and Pastoralism – a network of organizations and experts working for the benefit of HNV farming.  

Our projects in this area are:

Overarching initiative (OI) on Policy for conservation of High Natural Value Farming (HNVF)”, funded by foundation EuroNatur  

14 years of support for High Natural Value Farming Systems in Bulgaria: lessons learnt about the policy and socio-economic challenges underpinning the loss of cultural landscape in the Mediterranean region”, finances by MAVA foundation

„HNV Link: High Natural Value farming: learning, innovation and knowledge”, funded by EU program Horizon 2020