
The Society for Territorial and Environmental Prosperity (STEP) is registered as an NGO in January 2014 as a continuation of the registered Civil association for sustainable use of pastures, meadows and meri (commons). In the same year STEP became a member of the European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism (EFNCP) - a network of organizations and experts working for the benefit of HNV farming.

STEP founding members have long-term experiences (20+ years) in the fields of High Nature Value Farming, agri-environment, rural development, nature conservation and environmental protection, and the related policies, legal expertise and strong project management experiences.

in April 2015, STEP agreed to act as the National Champion for the European Rural Parliament and to lead the campaign the Bulgarian “upward cascade of ideas” which drew upon the concerns and hopes of rural people.

STEP is a coordinator of the Result-based payment network for Bulgaria which is  a meeting point for sharing experiences on result based payments, their design, their pros and cons, their applicability for different agri-environmental problems etc.

STEP participates in the Common Land Network in Europe, which aims to create and strengthen the links between communities with significant areas under common use (agricultural, forestry, water) and these who support it; to document and increase the recognition of common lands; to contribute for  the dissemination and implementation of good practices. 

STEP has developed a close collaboration with the University of National and World Economy (UNWE) and the National Agricultural Advisory Service (NAAS).