STEP – the Society for Territorial and Environmental Prosperity is a Bulgarian non-governmental organization working in public benefit, established on 14.01.2014. Our work is open and inclusive for new partners and participants with ideas and desire to contribute to achieving the objectives of our society.
Our long-term goals are to contribute to:
Sustainable territorial and environmental development of rural areas and rural economy;
Protection of natural resources and biodiversity by creating and promoting conditions for sustainable use of natural resources;
Introduction and implementation of training and education on sustainable territorial and environmental development, including training the trainers and new teaching methods;
Capacity building of stakeholders for sustainable territorial and environmental development, by raising awareness and improving the knowledge of local communities and farmers;
Diversification of agricultural production and systems, including by promoting innovative practices and partnerships;
Provision of expertise for analyses, studies, evaluations, assessments and proposals related to the development of sustainable rural and regional development policy;
Provision of information and consultations on agriculture, environment, social and regional development policies.