First Meeting on "Wonder Commonlands" Project

On 22 and 23 November 2024, the first meeting of the project "Wonder Commonlands: Organizing and Networking Women for the Development of Common Lands in Rural Areas" was held in Monte Vecinal de Cuso, Gondomar in Pontevedra, Spain. The main topic of the meeting was The Role of Women in the Management of Commonlands.

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The meeting was attended by all project partners, including STEP experts. They discussed the main issues related to the role of women in decision-making and management of common lands in each of the countries, as well as the challenges they face.

A round table was also held, during which the participants briefly presented the situation in their territories and the needs for improving the management of common goods through equal participation of women.

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The workshop was accompanied by the annual meeting of "Somos Comuneras" - a network of women from communities in Spain. The most important activities developed by the community of Cuso and their role in the revitalization of this rural area were presented.

The Monte de Couso community is recognized as one of the organizations with best practices in the management of common areas (lands and forests). They are recognized by the United Nations as an Indigenous and Community-Managed and Protected Area (ICCA). For more information, you can visit their website: 

Lear more about the "Wonder Commolands" Project